[talk] opnsense box for home: APU2 or something else?

N.J. Thomas njt at ayvali.org
Wed Dec 20 13:19:53 EST 2017

* Mark Saad <mark.saad at ymail.com> [2017-12-20 02:29:12+0000]:
> > > Currently eyeing the APU2
> > 
> > Not to jump into the vendor game, but $190 is high.
> Check out the used hp t610 thin client 25 - 40 bucks
> https://www.ebay.com/p/HP-T610-Thin-Client-Units/1766188673

Oh my. $40 is very attractive.

My only concern would be the power draw. I expect to turn this thing on,
stick it behind my cable modem and then forget about it. HP's power
specs for these devices don't mention much.

I think the APU2s would draw less power though, their specs say it to be
around 6-12W.


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