[talk] network resilience in UA

steve.b at osfda.org steve.b at osfda.org
Thu Mar 10 10:40:35 EST 2022

The implications of IME to the public took off around 2017.

Little has been done to address this ticking timebomb of critical 
security infrastructure.
I think leaks of IME firmware code could lead to epic spyware and 
malware implications

I suspect the US/NSA is drinking its own Kool Aid, thinking that it's a 
Good Thing that
they have access to it; but once other parties sell the info to the 
highest bidders, we
will be having quite the computer security shitshow!

I would like to do a survey talk next time you resume in-person meetups.
I think there could be an open source solution to the problem,
provided it were to get backed by 800 pound international political 

Intel is introducing a mining chip; how much you wanta bet it will be on 
(and to conceal it, they'll call it something else...)

If someone is more qualified to do such a presentation, feel free to do 

On 3/10/22 10:27, George Rosamond wrote:
> On 3/10/22 10:22, steve.b at osfda.org wrote:
>> They should not be using Telegram; unless they are aware it's not 
>> secure and are disinforming the Russians.
> Yes, had those arguments in a variety of different contexts.
> look at metrics.torproject.org stats on ru usage.
>> [I'm 90% sure Putin has its keys.]
>> The Russian people will now be needing some good steganography comm 
>> software.
> The fact that Twitter adopted an onion service is a big deal
> https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/mar/09/twitter-tor-version-russia-block 
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Have you guys ever given a talk on Intel IME and AMD Platform 
>> Security Processor?
>> You know: the private sector monopoly end-run to the Clipper Chip 
>> being previously denied by Congress.
> No, we haven't.
> IIRC that was in 1997 and we launched in 2003/2004.
> But since EARNIT I've mentioned the Clipper Chip more frequently than 
> i've done in years..
> g
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