[talk] BSDCan Schedule Published

Pete Wright pete at nomadlogic.org
Fri May 27 13:15:54 EDT 2022

saw this making the rounds on the bsd.network mastodon instance:

this got me thinking - what were some of your fav bsdcan memories?

i have two:
1. my first (and unfortunately only) bsdcan a close friend of my we'll 
call Mr. C and I flew up together from the city.  as we were crossing 
the border the immigration officer asked us where we were going.  Mr. C 
replied "university of canada" and some confusion ensued - we may have 
been a bit sleep deprived, but they still let us in.  fortunately they 
didn't open our luggage which was crammed with all sorts of weird 

2. the following year (2005) i had a medical mixup the night before i 
was supposed to fly out and couldn't go.  .ike amazingly got me a signed 
*draft* of Grog's The Complete FreeBSD 4th edition and mailed it to me.  
i still have the manila envelope safely on a shelf with my other 
comp-sci books.  i *still* owe you for that .ike i'll never forget that one.

here's to an awesome virtual conference this year, and keeping fingers 
crossed we can do this in person next year!  i want to see if i can book 
the same room at the "university of canada" when we all get to meet in 
person again :p


Pete Wright
pete at nomadlogic.org

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