[nycbug-talk] Comcast/Optimum Online, Postfix, and OpenBSD (WAS (No Subject))

Jay Savage daggerquill
Tue Mar 22 19:45:17 EST 2005

On Tue, 22 Mar 2005 18:26:29 -0500, Kevin Reiter <tux at penguinnetwerx.net> wrote:
> On Mar 22, 2005, at 6:07 PM, Jay Savage wrote:
> >
> >> I'm wondering if anyone else out there is using optimum online in the
> >> tri-state area?  I recently switched from Earthlink DSL, and I'm
> >> having a devil of a time getting my OpenBSD 3.6 box to relay mail.
> They (OptOnline) block ports 25 and 80.  I had my mail server working
> fine for over a year, and one day it just stopped working.  It took me
> awhile to find out the reason behind it.  Unless you have one of their
> business packages, according to their license agreement, you're
> forbidden from running *any* servers.  Of course, there's ways around
> that, but I haven't found a port redirector for mail yet..

I understand all that, but I'm don't really care about inbound (yet). 
I'm not trying to connect to my own machine on 25, I'm trying to
connect out bound to theirs.  With transport set as smtp, the
connection should appear to them as just another smtp client sending
mail.  At least I think it should.  I don't have problems connecting
to mail.optonline.net:25 with any of my other smtp clients or "lite"
servers written with Net::SMTP, MIME::Lite, or Mail::Mailer.  which
leads me to believe that this is something in the postfix config,
especially since returned mail occasionally gets bounced out.  Or
maybe there is a server that does a better job of presenting itself as
a an smtp client?  I guess I could set smtp id string to masquerade as
pine, or outlook,or something.  I'll look into the MTU's, as well.



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