[talk] July meeting on Retro/LiteBSDs

Brian Callahan bcallah at devio.us
Thu Feb 4 16:32:52 EST 2016

On 2/4/2016 4:27 PM, George Rosamond wrote:
> One of our upcoming meetings is Brian C about RetroBSD and LiteBSD, two
> of the smallest BSDs ported for microcontrollers based on the MIPS chip.
>  For those not familiar, think the square root of a Raspberry Pi.
> http://www.nycbug.org/index.cgi?action=view&id=10645
> Both Retro and Lite are being actively developed, and the door is wide
> open to contributions.
> https://github.com/sergev/LiteBSD/wiki
> http://www.retrobsd.org
> https://github.com/RetroBSD/retrobsd
> Both sites provide a list of supported hardware, and we hope that this
> meeting extends the number of people hacking on these MIPS boards.
> We may be looking into getting a discount code on the hardware.  On the
> other hand, all of it is reasonably inexpensive.
> For those looking to start contributing, or at least dipping their toes
> in the water, it makes sense to download the images and clone the GitHub
> repositories before the meeting.
> Let us know of your experiences onlist.

Additionally, there is a simulator for RetroBSD and a fork of qemu for
Unfortunately, both only seem to build on Mac OS X and Linux (perhaps a
project for someone is to get a *BSD build environment going?).

All help wanted and appreciated!


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