[Semibug] Planning meeting place and time

Michael W. Lucas mwlucas at michaelwlucas.com
Fri Nov 13 10:03:15 EST 2015

I mentioned something about possibly moving the meeting venue, and
promptly fell over ill.[1] We have no time to change anything without
creating a mess and confusing people.

We meet at the Hazel Park Raceway restaurant, 6:30 PM, and figure out
what we want in the future. Buy a soda or a beer or something so we
can justify our existence there.

Josh Grosse has a quick talk on ports. If the space isn't amenable to
a slide show, I can do a quick talk without slides.

I see a couple actual restaurants interested parties can hit later for
actual food, notably the Falling Down Beer Co, Pi's Thai, and LA Coney

I'll be tallying up the day preferences shortly.


[1]I got ill after giving a talk at mug.org. Only place I've been for
days, so I'm pretty sure I got it there. I propose a semibug rule:
"show up sick, and we will make sure you're not contagious, with a

Michael W. Lucas  -  mwlucas at michaelwlucas.com, Twitter @mwlauthor 
http://www.MichaelWLucas.com/, http://blather.MichaelWLucas.com/

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