[Semibug] OT: is there any office package (especially spreadsheet) that lets me choose a PEN color

CAREY SCHUG sqrfolkdnc at comcast.net
Thu May 23 02:54:21 EDT 2024

the only coloring text I can find means

click on a cell (or a point in a text document)
click on text color
enter text or number
click on another cell (ditto)
click on text color AGAIN
enter text
click on another cell (ditto)
click on text color AGAIN
enter text.

since the cells are close to each other, it means moving the mouse 5x to 20x the distance to get to the text color button.

having to click on text color each time slows the process.
plus the learning curve to remember to do it will take a LONG time

I want to FREEZE the pen to another color, no matter what cell I click on, and even nicer if I could click on a specific point in the middle of one cell and add characters in the different color.

another thread covers a suggestion for version tracking that does not seem to be available in my version.


> On 05/22/2024 9:43 PM CDT Ron / BCLUG <admin at bclug.ca> wrote:
> CAREY SCHUG wrote on 2024-05-22 15:34:
> > I would like to choose a PEN color, e.g. red, no matter what I enter or
> > change, no matter where, it will be in the pen color.
> As Carl mentioned, LibreOffice supports colourizing text.
> > so I can make a group of changes, then go back and verify them, when
> > confirmed, change everything to black.
> Perhaps version tracking would help with this?
> All changes can be tracked and reviewed.
> Also, there's the ability to add comments, which might help with the 
> review process.
> rb
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