[Semibug] re tracking changes in libre office spreadsheet [was: OT: is there any office package (especially spreadsheet) that lets me choose a PEN color]

Ron / BCLUG admin at bclug.ca
Thu May 23 04:47:39 EDT 2024

CAREY SCHUG wrote on 2024-05-22 23:46:

>> Perhaps version tracking would help with this?
>> All changes can be tracked and reviewed.
> ok, found this page:
> https://itsfoss.com/libreoffice-version-control/
> it says....
> click on edit/track changes/record.
> --done
> click on view/toolbars/track changes

That's wrong, at least for v7.3.7.

Try Edit > Track Changes > Manage

A dialogue pops up with a list of all changes since recording started.

One can click through the list to highlight individual changes, and 
Accept or Reject them.

It's pretty nice.

> I am on version, is that too old?

It works in this version (since about version 4.0 in 2013), but the link 
you found has (currently) invalid info.

> when I do a general search for what is the current "libre office spreadsheet", I get libre office (overall) is 24.2, so clearly a different series of numbers.

As of February, they're going with the year.month format, which is kinda 
nice, once one knows what's going on.


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