[Semibug] tragedy of systemd: was: OT: is there any office package (especially spreadsheet) that lets me choose a PEN color

Jonathan Drews jondrews at fastmail.com
Mon May 27 17:43:46 EDT 2024

On Mon, May 27, 2024 at 01:27:09PM -0700, Ron / BCLUG wrote:
> Jonathan Drews wrote on 2024-05-27 12:09:
> >  ??This is a list devoted to helping people with *BSD systems. If you
> > have no intention of using it, why are you even here?
> There's a lot of cross-over with servers and software between the FLOSS
> families.

How would you know if you don't run FreeBSD or OpenBSD?

> I try to contribute answers to questions (like your inventory management
> one, for example) when no one else chimes in.
> When the questions are BSD specific, I don't say anything.

You just told me how OpenBSD didn't have tools similar to systemd when
you have no working experience of OpenBSD tools such as hostctl,
smtpctl, sysctl, rcctl etc. 

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