[Semibug] tragedy of systemd: was: OT: is there any office package (especially spreadsheet) that lets me choose a PEN color

Ron / BCLUG admin at bclug.ca
Tue May 28 05:33:59 EDT 2024

Ron / BCLUG wrote on 2024-05-27 18:10:
>> you'll love both the runit and s6 init
>> systems.
> That's great, I didn't know they ran startup stuff in parallel.
> Is it achieved through "script_name &" or something else?

Answering myself, runit looks kinda nifty according to this:


It's actually init + services management, which is nice.

And originally from daemontools, by DJB (Daniel Bernstein), who's quite 
a wizard and has written an impressive number of core utilities (qmail, 
djbdns, etc.).

Kinda sounds like Lennart Poettering, come to think of it.

So, yeah, it looks nice, for sure.


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